Getting Started
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:24 PM
When my journey started in 2014 I had NO clue what I was doing. I didn’t have a checklist, or a detailed plan on how to find my best life so I figured it out. It was incredibly messy at the beginning, I took a thousand wrong turns, made mistakes, learned from those mistakes and ultimately I found myself. I gained self awareness, confidence and shed the layers that society added to me.
At 24 years old, I felt like I had failed. I felt like I was lightyears behind my friends and colleagues. I realized I didn’t love my career and I needed to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. At the time #livingmybestlife was new and it was being thrown around so casually on social media. I was seeing friends get married, have kids, buy houses all things I wanted. All the things I was on track to have, before I realized I was rushing into it and it wasn’t right. I was in the wrong relationship, we had bought the wrong house and although I was on the fast track in my career it wasn’t the career I wanted to have. I had to make one of the hardest decisions i’ve ever had to make but it was the best decisions i’ve ever made. That decision led to the rock bottom chapter in my life.
I’ll admit, I didn’t jump from rock bottom to living my best life, it was a journey and not always an easy one. I spent two years in denial that I needed help. Two years going through the motions of life without truly living! After a not so subtle nudge from my mother, I accepted the help. I started to talk about the pain I was going through, the wounds that hadn’t healed. I spent time alone, I dove into personal development and started getting serious about my health and fitness. I started to see my mindset shifting and progress happening. I started living my life again and shedding the layers to unbecome who i was to become who i’m meant to be. When we are kids, that is the most authentic version of ourselves. That is who we truly are, because we haven’t been influenced by society. We’re still learning what’s right and what’s wrong, how to act and what to say. Before we are persuaded to be like our parents, or like our friends in order to fit that is who we are. As we grow up we start to add layers to who we are in order to fit in, be accepted, and we start to change. This is where my journey began, I started to look at how much i’ve changed. Going back to who I was as a child, before I was told no. Before I was told to stay quiet, or not voice my opinion because it wasn’t my place. When dressing up in crazy outfits and using my imagination was accepted because I was just a child playing. Five year old Megan was confidence, she was full of life, she used her imagination, she wasn’t afraid, she went after what she wanted, she was a goofball, she didn’t take life so seriously and if she made a mistake she bounced right back.
Here is my question to you -
Who were you at 5 years old? What did you do everyday? Who were your friends? What did you love that you no longer do? What were your fears? What did you want to be?
This is step 1.
There are many many steps to finding your best life. Here are a few to get you started -
Step 1) Reconnect to who you were at 5 years old. Start to remember what you were like and how that has shifted over the years. What aspects do you want to bring back into your life?
Step 2) What is your gremlin message? You know that voice in your head that is telling you in someway shape or form that you can’t? What is that message?
Step 3) FMBL Wheel of Life - This exercise will help you determine what area(s) of your life are most valuable and which area(s) you want to focus on
Step 4) Start doing the work! Whether you do the work on your own or with a coach, this process is not an overnight success. It took me almost 6-8 years before I truly knew who I was and starting setting boundaries to pursue what I wanted.
Finding your best life is not a easy journey, it is not a standard process. These steps can get you started but then it's up to you to do the work. As a life coach and someone who has spent years on their own self discovery journey, I can help guide you. If you are interested in coaching, here is what you can expect. As your coach, i’ll guide you through the steps to figure out who you truly are. I’ll help you figure out what your unique gift is to offer the world and help you get where you want to be. Together we’ll define what living your best life is, we’ll look at each area of your life and come up with goals to get you closer to that life. I don’t have the answers, but i’m here to ask you the questions to get you to dig deeper to find the answers within yourself.
When I was at rock bottom, I needed that nudge to get started on my journey, to start doing the work. If you are in a place in your life where you are comfortable, where you are going through the motions of life without truly living. If you question - who you are, if you are in the right career, or on the right path - let this post be your sign. Today is the day change happens. Whether you sign up for coaching, or do this journey on your own take the chance. Make the investment in yourself to find your best life. You are worth the investment, you are worth the time and what better place than here, what better time than now.
If you want to schedule a call to see if coaching is the right fit for you email me - and we can go through the options and I can answer any questions you may have.
The timing will never right take the leap and go find your best life!
xo Meg
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