Glass Ball Theory
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:22 PM
I heard this theory years ago but never truly understood it until I became a mom. If you’ve never heard of this theory let me give you a little background. This theory is all about juggling your priorities. Some of the balls you are juggling are glass and if you were to drop one it would be devastating and very difficult to put back together, Now some of the balls you are juggling are plastic and if you were to drop them they would bounce or roll and you could easily pick them back up and continue juggling.
These glass and plastic balls represent different areas of your life. They could represent your family, your social life, your work, your fitness, your “me time,” your kids, your home the list goes on and on. You get decide what you are currently juggling and which balls are plastic and glass. Now just because one of your balls is currently plastic doesn’t mean it won’t be glass at some point in your life, and the visa versa. Depending on the season you’re in your priorities may change. For some work will always be a glass ball and for others it will always be plastic, and then for some it will depend on the season they are in.