The Mindset Shift You Need To Make RIGHT NOW!
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:26 PM
The Mindset Shift You Need To Make
Megan Lye
Self Discovery Coach
Sunday night I had a session with my life coach and I went into the session wanting to talk about my health. For years I have struggled with my weight. I have tried a variety of workouts, and changed up my nutrition plans so many times and have never seen the results Ive wanted. I workout regularly, I eat pretty healthy, I drink my water, so where am I going wrong? During our session, we started to talk about mindset. I’m doing all the things, so where is my mindset? What are my thoughts saying to me? What is my soundtrack?
To fully understand where this is going, we need to start at the beginning. Let’s rewind to 2003, maybe it was 2004. I don’t exactly know but it was about 20 years ago. (YES THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON THAT LONG - this is the power of your mindset) I was in the locker room changing for gym class and one of the girls said to me, “I thought you had a flat stomach” to which I immediately turned around and rushed to get my shirt on as my face turned BEAT red. The thought then stuck in my mind of ‘I dont have a flat stomach’ That thought has settled in nicely in my mind. It set up a nice cozy bedroom and it has been making a nice little home for about 20 years now. No matter what i’ve tried or done, I have never had a flat stomach and to be honest I dont know if i ever will. But that became my obsession. Constantly fighting to have a flat stomach while my mind was constantly telling me I dont have it. There has been a constant push - pull for wayy to long and its time to shift my mindset. Time to change the narrative.
For the longest time, I have been trying to lose 15-20lbs. Its a great goal. But in my mind its unattainable. I keep saying thats my goal but my actions are saying - nope you’re never going to have a flat stomach so why bother. Through my coaching session, my coach helped me to realize that my goal doesn’t need to be 15-20lbs. Instead my goal can be 2lbs. Once i’ve reached those 2lbs, I can make my goal another 2lbs. Focus on the step, on the progression, versus focusing on the marathon ahead. I started to think about ways to set myself up for success in losing 2lbs. My coach asked me to come up with ways I was going to ensure I stayed committed and accountable this week. (Another topic for another session ;)) I thought about it and here is what I came up with:
Prep my breakfast + lunch the night before
Fill up my water bottle the night before
Have Billy (my husband) ensure I am out of bed before he leaves for work!
Set out my workout clothes the night before
Pick my workout plan
Workout first thing to ensure it gets done - I often miss my workout because of schedule changes or distractions (Ps I HATE working out first thing)
Find an accountability person. In this instance I chose my coach. I am not great at being accountable to myself, but I will NEVER let someone else down intentionally so I chose my coach. He is invested in helping me achieve my goals, but also wont tell me what I want to hear!
The next morning I woke up motivated, excited! I got out of bed on time, got dressed, was out in the garage ready to workout before 7:15a. I got my workout done (Crushed it) and came inside made my coffee. Sat outside drinking my coffee while I read my book. Got my breakfast out of the fridge and was showered at my desk by 9am ready to work. Half of my to do list was done before lunch. The pups got their walk in and I was able to eat lunch outside. I finished my to do list, went to the basement which DESPERATELY needed to be cleaned and organized. Watched the Rookie while I did that. Met with the tree guy about some landscaping, finished the basement, ate dinner and spent some quality time with my husband. Now this was day 1, so of course i was eager and ready to commit!
Day 2 - I woke up, I went through the same routine, but my mind was starting to revert back to the old soundtrack. I dont have a flat stomach and I never will. That thought is holding me back. I read a quote that said, “begin your day with an I get to mentality instead of a I have to thought process. I get to go to work. I get to have a busy day. Whatever it may be. We often dress our opportunities as stress, but they are in fact blessings”
The shift happened. I dont have to workout, I dont have to eat healthy, I dont have a flat stomach became - I GET to take care of body, to move my body, to nourish and fuel my body. I get to choose if I want a flat stomach. I get to choose how to be accountable to my goals. I get to work on my goals. I get to make mistakes, I get to eat a cookie if I want too. Life isn’t about “having” to do, its about GETTING to do!
Next time you find yourself “having” to do something. Take a moment, take a few deep breaths, count to ten (whatever helps you) and rephrase. Instead of “having” to what do you “GET” to? Start to train your mind to see the possibilities, the opportunities and the good things happening right in front of you! I promise once you start you wont be able to stop.
“I get to find new recipes to try that fuel my body"
“I get to learn how to properly nourish my body”
“I get to try new foods"
“I get to challenge myself"
“I get to try new workouts"
“I get to learn what works best for my body"
“I get to…"
What’s happening in your life right now that you “HAVE” to? How can you change that to, “I GET TO?"
Go find + live your best life!
xo Meg
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