The Journey - Week 1

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 9:38 AM

“Theres no better place than here, no better time than now."

My personal development journey began in my early 20’s, during a rock bottom chapter in my life. Now over 10 years later, I am going through a different personal development journey but this time I have the tools and resources to know what steps to take to rediscover who I am and redefine what I want in this stage of life. So what’s different this time?

My daughter was born in March and now that she is 5 months old and we are coming out of the trenches of newborn life I am starting to get back to “me” This version of me is VERY different than 20 year old me. I am a wife, a mother, a business owner and life is very different in the best way possible. First things first I took myself through the FMBL Wheel of Life to establish my starting point.

If you are following along and would like to do this exercise with me click here

In full transparency I will share where I am right now. We are on this journey together!

Self Awareness - 7

Impact - 6

Surroundings - 5

Mindset - 6

Growth - 5

Wellness - 7

Career - 6

Finances - 6

Relationships - 8

Fun - 6

Now that i’ve established my starting point its time to answer some questions.

What areas are you most proud of? Why?

Relationships - Since having our daughter I truly feel as though the relationships that truly matter have strengthened and the relationships that weren’t meant for me have dissolved.

Finances - This has always been a gremlin area for me and I have really worked hard these past few weeks to start shifting my mindset in this area and i’m proud of that!

Mindset - These past few years have challenged me and I am proud that I have maintained a positive mindset and learned to lean on my support system when I need it. 

What areas surprised you?

What areas would you like to make a priority?

What is your gremlin message?

How is this message affecting your life?

How can you shift this message to help you instead of holding you back?

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