Finding Yourself in Motherhood

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:20 PM

“It is who you truly are and NOTHING and NO ONE can take that away from you…"

Now that I am out of the newborn trenches, I want to get back to feeling like me again. This journey feels similar to my original journey I took in my 20’s. If you don’t know that story - Click Here I wouldn’t say I am at rock bottom this time, but it I am rediscovering who I am and redefining what I want as I transition into becoming a mom. 

My pregnancy was not easy. I am so grateful that I am a mom and was able to carry my daughter but I was not one of the women who “enjoyed” pregnancy. During our fertility journey, my pregnancy and the early stages of newborn life I shifted my priorities and gave myself a lot of grace. I do believe that is what I needed to do during those stages of life but now that we are starting to get into a routine and I have learned A LOT. It’s time to get back to “me"

If you can relate or are in a similar situation please know you are not alone and hopefully my journey can help you or inspire you! 

If you are new here, my name is Megan I am a Personal Development Coach. I help women who are feeling stuck in a life that no longer serves them. They are now looking to rediscover who they are and redefine what they want in life. Being a coach, I am a firm believer that everyone should have a coach. Could I coach myself? Sure but I chose to hire a coach.

I am a few weeks in with my coach and I am already noticing a shift. I am going to share my journey and be as transparent as I possibly can. The first thing we did was to establish my starting point. I did this using the wheel of life that I created. You can get your free version here - Wheel of Life Getting Started Guide

My scores are as follows:

  • Self Awareness - 7
  • Impact - 6
  • Surroundings - 5
  • Mindset - 7
  • Growth - 6
  • Wellness - 6
  • Career - 6
  • Finances - 5
  • Relationships - 8
  • Fun - 6

Now that we’ve established a starting point, it’s time to put in the work. We are going to tackle a new area each week. Let’s first start with Self Awareness.

One of the first questions my coach asked was, “How would you introduce yourself to a stranger?” I had to think about that. My first instinct was to rattle of my titles and roles I play in life. I’m a wife, a mother, I have (2) dogs we live on Long Island, I’m 34. I grew up in Vermont, I’m a coach etc etc but is that really who I am? Is that really what I want to be known for? So we flipped the script. How would I want someone to introduce me to a stranger?

I would want someone to talk about my kindness, how I inspired them to be better. The impact i’ve had on them. I would want someone to say she is the one who believed in me and helped me during one of the hardest times. Shes the one that showed up for me and never left. The titles and roles I play in life don’t really matter to me. The impact I have on someone’s life matters. How I make them feel matters. The introduction I would love to hear goes something like this.

“Megan is one of the kindest people i’ve ever met. She truly is that friend that goes above and beyond. When I needed her most she was the one that never left. She continues to inspire, motivate and support me. Megan is the person you need in your life because she is resourceful and will always help you find the answer. She is a jack of all trades with a kind and giving heart. Megan always seems to have it all together and she is so organized! She is an incredibly hard worker and such a good human.”

Now that may not be how others view me now, but that is how I want them too. I want them to see my kind heart and it is up to me to show up as her. Is this an overnight flip of a switch? No. But that is the goal I am going to work towards everyday. It will be the small shifts that make the biggest difference in life. 

We have established our starting point. We have identified the goal. Now we have to create the action plan.

List (3) things you can do to get closer to your goal.

1. Get ready every day - no more pajamas haha.

2. Show kindness even when its hard

3. Reach out to a friend everyday even if it’s just hello

How are you going to keep yourself accountable? If you know me at all, you know this answer. I’m going to make a checklist for myself daily to do these things. 

Quick recap.

1 - Establish your starting point using the wheel of life

2 - Identify your goal - how would you want to be introduced to a stranger?

3 - Create an action plan - how are you going to make small shifts to show up as that person moving forward?

Next week we will dive into impact. Stay tuned.

As always if you are interested in taking the leap and would like to know more about coaching with me sign up for a free 15 minute discovery call where you can ask any questions and I can get the opportunity to learn more about you and what your goals are! 

Click to schedule

If you’d like to follow me on other channels - see links below! I look forward to connecting with you! If you have suggestions for what you would like to see more of please let me know!

Go find and live your best life

xo Meg

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