Services Offered

- 30 Minute Discovery Call

- Assessment w/debrief session

- One on One Coaching

- For the Graduates (3) session package

A 30 minute consultation call with me to review what life coaching is as well as how it can change your life! During this call we will discuss your goals, what may be holding you back and how I can help you find + live your best life!

I primarily work with those moving from high school to college, college to real world and those "starting over" in their mid 20's and 30's.

*You are not obligated to sign up for coaching after this call. I will only share options + packages upon request.

I am a Certified Practitioner of the following assessments:

Strong Interest Inventory

Career Development

If you are looking to further your current career or change careers. Great for college students + exploration.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Personality Assessment

If you are looking to understand how you take in information + make decisions as well as raise your self awareness +

deepen your understanding of others.


Interpersonal Needs

If you are looking to deepen your relationships + communication style in your work + personal life

CPI 260

Leadership Development

If you are in a leadership position or desire to be and want to deepen your understanding of your style

Each assessment offers different information + insights and I can help you decide which is best suited for your goals!

*If you are not a current client you can still take the assessment + do the debrief without signing up for one on one coaching.

I offer many custom packages depending on where you are in your life and what you are looking to accomplish! If you are interested in one on one coaching please email me to set up a discovery call to ensure we are compatible!

Most of my clients range in age from juniors and seniors in high school to mid 20's. They often are looking to figure out who they are and what they want to do with their careers. I offer a great expertise not only in my own experience but also in my certifications, training and development.

Please email me for more information, I look forward to meeting with you soon!

Due to popular demand I am offering a limited time special for our graduates to deepen their understanding of their preferences and begin the exploration into their careers!

Give as a gift or book for yourself!

By the end of our 3 sessions participants will have:

- Identified their personality preferences

- Differentiated their vocational vs avocational interests

- Discovered who they are, what they want to do, where they want to work, and how they want to do it.

- Selected which career fields they want to explore based off their preferences and interests

- Developed an action plan to take their preferences + interests and design their ideal career path.

3 session package - $295

(Valued at $400)

This package includes:

MBTI Assessment w/60 minute debrief session

(Valued between $150)

Strong Interest Inventory Assessment w/60 minute debrief session

(Valued at $125)

Final session synthesis + exploration.

(Valued at $125)


Email Me


Email Me


Email Me


Email Me

30 Minute Discovery Call

Take an Assessment (60 Minute Debrief Session Included)

One on One Coaching

For the Graduates!
